Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not particularly a good day

I have pretty much been going on liquids all day with the exception of a couple of bowls of spinach. As much as I'm determined to beat the eating disorders I have, they seem to keep creeping in and get worse. The stress of my sister's upcoming wedding isn't helping since I have the pressure from my mom to lose a ton of weight before the wedding. I'm considering going on a liquid diet for a long long time to see what happens. It doesn't seem to matter anymore. The guy I'm supposed to be dating hasn't made an effort to see me since september with a lame excuse of his job hours or his mom needing him to cart her somewhere. Honestly, I'm suspecting he's married and *lying* about it. I've been burned one too many times by guys with the same excuse. Also tie in the fact that my 13 y/o is literally failing out of school and I can't find a job to save my life, things are falling apart as I know it right now.

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