Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hello me...

We gotta talk! This is seriously important...I found an article online about the link between diabetes and eating disorders. From what I'm reading, there's the added clause of anorexia thrown into what's going on in my twisted sense of body image to boot. Please read this link if you want more info about it:|utmccn=CON|utmcmd=ContentPage|utmcct=LocalOffice-ZipSearch&__utmv=-&__utmk=105422211

I am honestly afraid of myself now...I walked into a local CVS today to get food and started pricing diet pills immediately! Part of me also wants to go to a gym 6 days a week again to get tiny for my sister's wedding but I don't see myself dropping 70 lbs in 4 months as a realistic goal. This is getting to be a serious issue. My son says I don't eat enough in a day even though I think I do despite my frequent sugar crashes. This whole thing is becoming a bigger monster again. I'm not sure if I've got any control over it at this point either...

powerless :(

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