Monday, April 2, 2012

New week, New Day

I haven't posted here in a while so I thought it would be a good thing to place a post. My more recent efforts to get better on this long winding journey of life started with a freaky dream I had thanks to some medication. I had this dream that I was being poisoned by my food. This led me to get a little paranoid and change my food habits to vegetarian. I had one slip up that left me with a splitting headache almost immediately after eating two little sausage links. The only other thing I can say that has happened is a massive detox shock that left me getting violently ill. Since Starting this vegetarian diet, I have lost a total of 14 lbs in under a month and my sugars have been lower than they have been in a while. Hopefully I can keep this up and get to being a healthier person than I have been in a long time. I owe it to myself and my son  to get healthy.